Summits Podcast
What's your cancer story?
We found 10 episodes of Summits Podcast with the tag “iu”.
Epi 83: The benefits of cancer clinical trials with Nicole Rule
December 18th, 2024 | 49 mins 21 secs
beatcancer, bigpharma, biomarkers, boardmember, boston, cancer, caregiver, carmel, clinicaltrials, colts, community, elililly, foundation, gbm, glioblastoma, hero, heroesfoundation, indiana, indianapolis, indy, inspiration, iu, lilly, mba, morein24, northeasternuniversity, oncology, pharma, pharmaceutical, podcast, precisionmedicine, prevention, research, showursummits, story, summit, summits, summits podcast, support, thrivein25, unifyingindianaagainstcancer, whatsurcancerstory, whyheroes
In episode 83 of the Summits Podcast, Vince Todd, Jr. is joined by Nicole Rule, Associate Vice President in Oncology Clinical Trial Acceleration at Eli Lilly and Company. Tune in as Nicole shares the benefits of cancer clinical trials and the cancer story that fuels her fight against the disease.
The content and views expressed are my own and do not represent the views of my employer, Eli Lilly and Company.
Epi 82: Remembering Tyler Trent with Tony Trent
December 3rd, 2024 | 32 mins 12 secs
architect, beatcancer, bigtencancerconsortium, bobblehead, boilerup, book, cancer, caregiver, carmel, childhood cancer, community, construction, dosomething, football, hero, heroesfoundation, indiana, indianapolis, inspiration, iu, landscaping, morein24, oldoakenbucket, osteosarcoma, payitforward, pediatriccancer, picr, prevention, purdue, research, showursummits, story, summit, summits, summits podcast, support, theupset, thrivein25, tumordonation, tylertrent, whatsurcancerstory
In episode 82 of the Summits Podcast, co-hosts Vince Todd, Jr. and Daniel Abdallah are joined by Tony Trent, President of the Tyler Trent Foundation. Tune in as Tony shares his son’s osteosarcoma diagnosis and his passion for better outcomes through pediatric cancer research.
For more on Tyler’s story, purchase his book at
Epi 81: Fighting lung cancer with Betsy Beggs
November 19th, 2024 | 47 mins 44 secs
alecensa, alectinib, alk+, alphaphi, aneveningwithheroes, beatcancer, bloomington, bloomingtonsouth, btown, cancer, caregiver, community, depauw, economics, er, gala, genetech, goldman, goldmansachs, hero, heroesfoundation, holidays, hotdog, indiana, indianapolis, indianauniversity, inspiration, investmentbanking, iu, lungcancer, manhattan, morein24, newyork, newyorkcity, nyc, podcast, prevention, research, showursummits, sloankettering, stage4cancer, story, summit, summits, summits podcast, support, townie, weillcornell, whatsurcancerstory
In episode 81 of the Summits Podcast, co-hosts Vince Todd, Jr. and Daniel Abdallah are joined by Betsy Beggs of Goldman Sachs. At 23 years old, Betsy was a young professional finding her footing in New York City when she was blindsided by a stage 4 ALK+ lung cancer diagnosis. Tune in as she bravely shares her cancer story.
For more, listen to Sarah Beggs, Betsy’s mother, share her story from a parent perspective:
Epi 78: The joy of therapy dogs with Melanie Claymon
October 2nd, 2024 | 29 mins 19 secs
accounting, arizonastate, beatcancer, brcanegative, breastcancer, cancer, caregiver, community, dogshows, friends, goldenretriever, grandviewlake, her2positive, hero, heroes, heroesfoundation, indiana, indianapolis, influencer, inspiration, invisiblefence, iu, jetski, morein24, pawstoheal, petproducts, peytonmanningchildrens, podcast, rileyhospitalforchildren, showursummits, sister, socialmedia, stlouis, story, summit, summits, summits podcast, summitspodcast, the3retrievers, therapydog, wakesurfing, whatsurcancerstory, whyheroes
In episode 78 of the Summits Podcast, co-hosts Vince Todd, Jr. and Daniel Abdallah are joined by Melanie Claymon, who volunteers with her therapy dogs with Paws & Think at local children’s hospitals, schools, and more. Tune in as Melanie shares how her sister’s breast cancer diagnosis inspired her to give back through her beloved pets.
Follow along for all of Melanie’s adventures with her four golden retrievers on Instagram at @the3retrievers!
Epi 77: The gift of fundraising & philanthropy with Genevieve Shaker, Ph.D.
September 17th, 2024 | 51 mins 36 secs
beatcancer, billgates, cancer, caregiver, community, fundraising, hero, heroesfoundation, indiana, indianapolis, inspiration, iu, leadership, lillyendowment, lillyschoolofphilanthropy, morein24, phd, philanthropy, prevention, professor, research, sharedstory, showursummits, story, summit, summits, summits podcast, summitspodcast, support, teamheroes, teamjoey, themoreyouknow, whatsurcancerstory, whyheroes
What are the trends today in fundraising and philanthropy? How has the Heroes Foundation’s philanthropy efforts changed over the past 24 years? Don’t miss episode 77 of the Summits Podcast with co-hosts Vince Todd, Jr. and Daniel Abdallah, and guest Dr. Genevieve Shaker of the IU Lilly Family School of Philanthropy at Indiana University Indianapolis.
Epi 76: Facing your child’s cancer diagnosis with Sarah Beggs
September 4th, 2024 | 36 mins 21 secs
advancement, beatcancer, cancer, caregiver, community, cornell, curtsimic, dallas, daughter, depauw, eds, goldmansachs, havegrace, hero, heroes, heroesfoundation, indiana, indianapolis, indianauniversity, indianauniversityfoundation, inspiration, iu, iusf, jelloshots , little500, livingtolive, lungcancer, morein24, newyorkcity, nyc, philanthropy, plano, podcast, sloankettering, stage4, story, summit, summits, summits podcast, summitspodcast, texas, westpoint, whyheroes
In episode 76 of the Summits Podcast, co-hosts Vince Todd, Jr. and Daniel Abdallah travel to Indiana University in Bloomington to visit Sarah Beggs, Senior Vice President at the Indiana University Foundation. Tune in as Sarah shares how cancer became personal for her family as her daughter faced a stage 4 ALK+ lung cancer diagnosis.
Epi 72: Nutrition and Corporate Wellness with Shea Rankin
April 30th, 2024 | 41 mins 30 secs
beatcancer, bloomington, bloomingtonnorth, bottleworks, btown, caffeine, cancer, cancerprevention, candy, caregiver, carmel, celsius, clevelandclinic, community, cycling, cyclingstudio, fishers, fit4heroes, foodbabe, functionalmedicine, health, healthiswealth, healthyweight, hero, heroesfoundation, hotyoga, humproom, indiana, indianacancercommunity, indianapolis, indianauniversity, indy, inspiration, ironman, iu, leadingbyexample, morein24, nicks, nicksenglishhut, organic, peerinfluence, pilgrimmethod, prevention, research, showursummits, smartsweets, sourpatchkids, story, sugar, summit, summits, summits podcast, support, sweets, townie, triathlon, wellness, wellnesscoaching, whyheroes, yoga, yoga6, yumearth
In episode 72 of the Summits Podcast, co-hosts Vince Todd, Jr. and Daniel Abdallah are joined by Shea Rankin, Founder of The Pilgrim Method. What are the benefits of encouraging wellness in the workplace? What are the best foods to consume to lead a healthy lifestyle? Don’t miss this wellness-packed episode with Shea Rankin.
Epi 67: The gift of giving back with Josh Gordon
December 20th, 2023 | 28 mins 55 secs
1:1:1, award, beatcancer, bloodymary, boilerup, boston, brownsburg, callinggames, cancer, caregiver, celtics, childhoodcancer, colinpowell, community, corporategiving, donaldduck, emtionintoaction, fenway, flipthemonkey, foundation, hero, heroes, hotboxpizza, indiana, indianapolis, indianastateuniversity, indianauniversity, indy, inspiration, iu, justonemorehour, larrybird, lego, lfgin23, marcbenioff, melanoma, minion, morein24, operations, pediatriccancer, purdue, purdueuniversity, redsox, rileyhospitalforchildren, salesforce, savannahbananas, showursummits, skincancer, stadiumannouncer, steaknshake, story, summit, summits, summits podcast, team, teamjoey, titos, tjp, togethereveryoneachievesmore, triwest, usagymnastics, volunteerachievementaward, volunteerism, volunteertimeoff, vto, whatsurcancerstory, whyheroes, youngandlaramore
In episode 67 of the Summits Podcast, co-hosts Vince Todd, Jr. and Daniel Abdallah are joined by Josh Gordon of Salesforce. Tune in as Josh shares the joy he experiences from volunteering with Heroes Foundation Team JOEY, and why the mission is personal for his family. “Giving back and volunteering is a great thing to build into the fabric of who you are.”
Epi 66: Supporting mental health with Dr. Natalie Dattilo
December 5th, 2023 | 24 mins 1 sec
attitude, beatcancer, boston, brighamandwomenshospital, cancer, caregiver, cognitivebehavior, community, dana-farberinstitute, florida, foundation, gators, generosity, goblue, goodmorningamerica, gratitude, harvard, hero, heroes, heroesfoundation, indiana, indianapolis, inspiration, iu, iusimoncancercenter, lfgin23, mental wellness, mentalhealth, michigan, mindset, morein24, motivation, ohio, phd, physicalwellness, podcast, prevention, psychologist, psychology, research, resilience, self-care, showursummits, story, summit, summits, summits podcast, summitspodcast, support, university, wellness, whatsurcancerstory, whyheroes
In episode 66 of the Summits Podcast, co-hosts Vince Todd, Jr. and Daniel Abdallah are joined by Dr. Natalie Dattilo, clinical physchologist at Brigham and Women's Hospital and instructor at Harvard Medical School. From practices to support mental health to the gifts that come from showing generosity, don’t miss our conversation with Dr. Dattilo.
Epi 57: Dr. Bill Tierney on caring for cancer patients
July 25th, 2023 | 50 mins 19 secs
abvd, ampath, austin, beatcancer, biomedical, cancer, caregiver, chemobrain, chop, community, dell, detroit, empathy, epidemiology, eskinazihospital, globalhealth, healthservices, hero, heroes, heroesfoundation, improvedoutcomes, indiana, indianapolis, indianauniversity, indy, informatics, inspiration, iu, iuhealth, iuschoolofmedicine, iusimoncomprehensivecancercenter, jacksonville, jersey, lfgin23, lymphoma, melanoma, myopathy, podcast, publichealth, regenstriefinstitute, research, showursummits, story, summit, summits, summits podcast, summitspodcast, urbandevelopment, wedding, whyheroes, wishardhospital
In episode 57 of the Summits Podcast, co-hosts Vince Todd, Jr. and Daniel Abdallah are joined by Dr. Bill Tierney of the Fairbanks School of Public Health in its Department of Global Health. Tune in as Dr. Tierney shares his long-standing career in medical research and how surviving cancer made him a more empathetic doctor.