Summits Podcast
What's your cancer story?
We found 10 episodes of Summits Podcast with the tag “cancer”.
Epi 55: Fred Yeakey on advocacy and hope
June 20th, 2023 | 30 mins 56 secs
beatcancer, brokenfinger, cancer, cancerdiagnosis, caregiver, community, cristorey, development, disparities, dogood, foundation, gala, hero, heroes, housing, indiana, indianapolis, indy, inspiration, internship, kickball, lfgin23, nil, podcast, providencecristorey, school, showursummits, story, summit, summits, summits podcast, swag, vicepresident, viral, whyheroes, workstudy
In episode 55 of the Summits Podcast, co-hosts Vince Todd, Jr. and Daniel Abdallah are joined by Fred Yeakey, Vice President of Providence Cristo Rey High School and Heroes Foundation board member. Tune in as Fred shares his vision for ending disparities in education, housing and healthcare in Indiana.
Epi 54 Drew Tower of Project 44
June 6th, 2023 | 27 mins 27 secs
ad, administration, advocacy, andrewsmith, athleticdirector, athletics, basketball, beatcancer, bethematch, bonemarrow, bonemarrowregistry, bradstevens, brownsburg, bulldogs, butler, cancer, caregiver, charity, chasestigall, coaching, community, covenantchristian, deaconscott, donordrive, dougboles, education, executivedirector, hero, heroes, heroesfoundation, hoosiers, indiana, indianapolis, indy, indy500, inspiration, lfgin23, lymphoma, newcastle, nhl, non-hodgkins, nonprofit, podcast, prevention, project44, research, showursummits, stevealford, stories, story, summit, summits, summits podcast, summitspodcast, support, whatsurcancerstory, whyheroes
In episode 54 of the Summits Podcast, co-hosts Vince Todd, Jr. and Daniel Abdallah are joined by Drew Tower, Athletic Director at Brownburg High School and Executive Director of Project 44. Tune in as Drew shares the non-profit organization named for Butler University’s men’s basketball player Andrew Smith.
Learn more about Project 44 at
Epi 53: Zak Keefer shares his family’s cancer story
May 23rd, 2023 | 27 mins 38 secs
athletic, beatcancer, braincancer, cancer, caregiver, colts, community, communityhealth, dad, dougboles, englishpaper, foundation, gbm, glioblastoma, golf, hero, heroes, hoosier, hse, ims, indiana, indianapolis, indianauniversity, indy500, inspiration, irsay, iu, jimirsay, journalism, journalist, lfgin23, memory, native, nfl, pacers, pga, podcast, showursummits, sports, sportswriter, story, summit, summits, summits podcast, theathletic, therapeutic, tonyhulman, whyheroes
In episode 53 of the Summits Podcast, co-hosts Vince Todd, Jr. and Daniel Abdallah are joined by Zak Keefer, NFL writer for The Athletic, Indianapolis Colts insider for WISH-TV, and adjunct professor of journalism at The Media School at Indiana University. Tune in as Zac shares the inside of being a sports journalist and the cancer diagnosis that changed his family forever. “You can’t change what happened, but you can live every day to make your dad proud.”
Epi 52: Dr. Nick Countryman shares skin cancer prevention tips
May 3rd, 2023 | 30 mins 8 secs
aad, americanacademyofdermatology, asymmetry, beatcancer, border, cancer, carcinoma, caregiver, coloncancer, color, community, dermatologist, dermatology, diameter, evolving, freeskincancerscreening, golf, hero, heroes, heroesfoundation, ihm, immaculateheart, indiana, indianapolis, indy500, inspiration, josefnewgarden, lfgin23, lungcancer, mba, md, melanoma, meridiankessler, notredame, penske, pickleball, podcast, selfexam, showursummits, skincancer, skincancerscreening, spf, story, summit, summits, summits podcast, summitspodcast, tanningbeds, tennis, tonykanaan, whatsurcancerstory, whyheroes, yale
In episode 52 of the Summits Podcast, co-hosts Vince Todd, Jr. and Daniel Abdallah are joined by Dr. Nick Countryman, dermatologist at Dawes Fretzin Dermatology. As we head into Melanoma and Skin Cancer Awareness Month, you don’t want to miss Dr. Countryman’s top tips for protecting your skin from harmful sun exposure.
Epi 51: Dr. Tarah Ballinger on physical activity and cancer care
April 20th, 2023 | 22 mins 5 secs
beatcancer, cancer, cancerprevention, cancerresearch, caregiver, cbus, columbus, community, exercise, fit4heroes, getphysical, hero, heroes, heroesfoundation, indiana, indianapolis, indianauniversity, inspiration, interception, iu, lfgin23, move, notredame, ohio, oncologist, oncology, physicalactivity, prevention, research, showursummits, story, summit, summits, summits podcast, summitspodcast, thearnold, vanderbilt, vandy, wellness, whatsurcancerstory, whyheroes
In episode 51 of the Summits Podcast, co-hosts Vince Todd, Jr. and Daniel Abdallah are joined by Dr. Tarah Ballinger, breast oncologist at the Indiana University Melvin and Bren Simon Comprehensive Cancer Center and research gift recipient from Heroes Foundation’s Catherine Peachey Fund program. Tune in as Dr. Ballinger shares the supportive oncology programs offered by the IU Simon Cancer Center and the important correlations between physical activity and cancer care.
Join us for Fit4Heroes! Everyday Heroes are participating in the Heroes Foundation’s campaign through April 30 to increase their physical fitness and raise important funds for Hoosiers fighting cancer. Register today at
Epi 50: Dr. Nawal Kassem details cancer prevention and genetic testing
March 30th, 2023 | 20 mins 8 secs
beatcancer, cancer, cancerresearch, caregiver, community, geneticmutation, genetictesting, hero, heroes, heroesfoundation, indiana, indianapolis, inspiration, iuhealth, lebanon, lfgin23, middleeast, showursummits, sjp, sjpfellow, sjpheroescancerresearchfund, story, summit, summits, summits podcast, summitspodcast, uae, whatsurcancerstory, whyheroes
In episode 50 of the Summits Podcast, co-hosts Vince Todd, Jr. and Daniel Abdallah are joined by Dr. Nawal Kassem, breast oncologist with IU Health and the Heroes Foundation’s new SJP Heroes Cancer Research Fund Fellow. Tune in as Dr. Kassem shares her passion for cancer prevention and how genetic testing can greatly affect a patient’s outcome.
For more on the SJP Heroes Cancer Research Fund, visit
Epi 49: Bryce Zoeller on cycling to fight cancer
March 14th, 2023 | 31 mins 39 secs
apresski, attorney, beatcancer, breck, breckenridge, businessinfront, cancer, cancerprevention, caregiver, community, cycling, dirtykanza, emporia, finland, finlandgravel, fit4heroes, garminunbound, groomers, hero, hitandrun, indiana, indianapolis, inspiration, iu, kansas, kightlingerandgray, law, lawfirm, legal, lfgin23, mullet, partner, partyinback, ride, riding, showursummits, skiing, story, summit, summits, summits podcast, summitspodcast, teamheroes, unbound4heroes, unboundgravel, valbotas, valterribotas, wellness, whatsurcancerstory, whyheroes
In episode 49 of the Summits Podcast, co-hosts Vince Todd, Jr. and Daniel Abdallah are joined by Bryce Zoeller, a Team Heroes cyclist and member of Heroes Foundation’s Board of Directors. Tune in as Bryce shares his passion for cycling and the Fit4Heroes event, and why he chooses to give back to Hoosiers fighting cancer. “I got tired of watching it happen to people I cared about, and I wanted to get involved.”Follow along on Instagram (@thenotoriusbiglebowski) as Bryce rides to #beatcancer in the Unbound race in Kansas this June. To donate to Bryce’s Unbound4Heroes fundraising page, visit more on Heroes Foundation’s Team Heroes program, visit more on Heroes Foundation’s Fit4Heroes event, visit
Epi 48: Annie Martinez on building the future of the Heroes Foundation
February 28th, 2023 | 32 mins 20 secs
avon, beatcancer, boilermakers, boilerup, buttfact, cancer, caregiver, cerias, childrensbureau, communicating, communications, community, development, eddiebird, endowment, familiesfirst, firefly, florida, floridaatlantic, floridaatlanticuniversity, fundraiser, fundraising, fundraisingstool, hammerdown, hero, heroes, heroesendowment, heroesfoundation, indiana, indianapolis, indianaschoolofphilanthropy, indianastate, individualgiving, inspiration, larrybird, lastinggifts, lead, leadership, lfgin23, majorgifts, management, musicforall, opportunityindianapolis, purdue, purdueboilermakers, purdueuniversity, showursummits, story, summit, summits, summits podcast, summitspodcast, sycamores, whatsurcancerstory, whoislarrybird, whyheroes
In episode 48 of the Summits Podcast, co-hosts Vince Todd, Jr. and Daniel Abdallah are joined by Annie Martinez, Heroes Foundation’s new Executive Director. Tune in as Annie shares her philanthropy and development background, and the building steps she has planned for her first year with the Heroes Foundation.
Epi 47: Dr. Matt Priddy details the latest in cancer screening technology
February 14th, 2023 | 49 mins 48 secs
afib, applewatch, beatcancer, bloodcancers, bonemarrowtransplant, brother, cancer, cancerscreening, caregiver, community, data, doctor, drpriddy, earlydetection, genesequencing, genetherapy, heartscan, hero, heroes, heroesfoundation, indiana, indianacancercommunity, indianapolis, inspiration, leukemia, liquidbiopsy, lls, lumina, lymphoma, medschool, millennial, physician, preventive, priorityphysicians, prostate, prostatecancer, showursummits, stickshift, story, summit, summits, summits podcast, summitspodcast, tcelllymphoma, technology, wearables, whatsurcancerstory, whyheroes
In episode 47 of the Summits Podcast, co-hosts Vince Todd, Jr. and Daniel Abdallah are joined by Dr. Matt Priddy, Physician and Owner of Priority Physicians, PC. Tune in as Dr. Priddy shares his top health recommendation and the latest in cancer screening technology that is changing the landscape of cancer detection and treatment.
Epi 46: Scott Mingle on joining the fight against cancer
January 31st, 2023 | 24 mins 29 secs
awareness, beatcancer, cancer, cancereducation, cancerprevention, caregiver, community, education, evansville, eventmanager, events, fit4heroes, healthylifestyles, hero, heroes, heroesfoundation, indiana, indianapolis, indy, inspiration, manager, muncie, paralympics, prevention, programmanager, programs, projectmilitia, purpleaces, showursummits, specialolympics, starfish, story, summit, summits, summits podcast, summitspodcast, teamheroes, whatsurcancerstory, whyheroes
In episode 46 of the Summits Podcast, Vince Todd, Jr. sits down with Scott Mingle, Heroes Foundation’s new Program & Event Manager for Project Militia and Fit4Heroes. Tune in as Scott shares his longtime career in the events industry and the cancer experiences that led him to the Heroes Foundation.
For more on Heroes Foundation’s Project Militia program, visit
For more on Heroes Foundation’s Fit4Heroes event, visit